Subject Verb Agreement Ing

Subject-verb agreement can be a tricky aspect of writing that can greatly affect the readability and SEO-friendliness of your content. One common issue that arises in this realm is the use of verbs ending in -ing. In this article, we`ll explore the nuances of subject-verb agreement when it comes to -ing verbs and how you can best utilize them in your writing for optimal search engine optimization.

First and foremost, it`s important to understand what an -ing verb is. These are verbs that form their present participle (i.e. the -ing form) by adding -ing to the base form of the verb. Examples of -ing verbs include “running,” “swimming,” “singing,” and “writing.”

When it comes to subject-verb agreement, the key thing to remember with -ing verbs is that they can function as either a verb or a noun in a sentence. This means that their usage will depend on their role in a particular sentence. For instance, “Running is my favorite form of exercise” uses “running” as a noun, while “I am running late for the meeting” features “running” as a verb.

When using an -ing verb as a noun, it typically takes a singular verb form. For example, “Singing makes me feel happy” uses the singular verb “makes.” Similarly, “Writing is a great way to express yourself” uses the singular verb “is.”

On the other hand, when using an -ing verb as a verb, the verb will change depending on the subject. For example, “I am running late for the meeting” uses the first-person singular present tense form “am,” while “They are running late for the meeting” uses the third-person plural present tense form “are.”

Correct subject-verb agreement is essential not only for clear and effective writing but also for SEO purposes. When search engines crawl your content, they look for proper grammar and syntax as a sign of quality and relevance. Poor subject-verb agreement can lead to lower rankings and decreased visibility for your content.

In conclusion, when using -ing verbs, it`s important to pay attention to their role in a sentence and adjust the verb form accordingly. Ensuring correct subject-verb agreement not only improves the readability and effectiveness of your writing but can also boost your search engine optimization efforts.