Age Legal Chiot

Finally, it is important to manage the rooms to which your pet has access©. Close your garden if you have one, as your puppy may be trying to sneak in and run away. In an apartment, it is possible© to secure your balcony with a breakwater so that your puppy can not pass his head through the bars of the balustrade and remains© stuck©. It is possible and allowed to give a puppy from his eighth week. Earlier, although the puppy is usually weaned in its sixth or even seventh week, the donation or sale of it is prohibited. At that time, his games began with the rest of the litter and the relationship with the mother, teaching her some rules that he will learn less quickly, if at all, afterwards. The inhibition of the bite is one of these important discoveries, but it is also at this time that he learns the hierarchy to communicate with his congeners, to live in packs, to identify with the species. In fact, adopting a puppy© under 8 weeks of age is too© detrimental to his weaning and socializing© period. The animal may not recognize individuals of its own hope as it grows up, which does not©allow it to develop the codes of communication with the dogs it will meet. He may then be aggressive or anxious. The decision is made, after a long reflection with the family, you agree to welcome a puppy home. Every year©, thousands of people decide to adopt© a dog. Choosing a puppy is often the preferred solution to build immediately and throughout the life of the animal a solid, complicit©©and lasting relationship that takes root in its earliest childhood.

©However, a puppy cannot be adopted© at any age, since it is imperative©to adhere to certain©stages such as weaning and socialization©, in which the young dog acquires the basics of the dog`s behavior and social behavior towards its parents©and humans. It is difficult to estimate the purchase price of a puppy, because it depends on several criteria, such as its place of adoption, but also its breed or whether or not it©is registered in the Book of French Origin (LOF). Early©spring is the©best time to find a puppy. are usually©©in the heat twice a year, in early©autumn and mid-winter. Puppies can also be vaccinated and dewormed at this age. Adopting a puppy is like welcoming a new member into your family. This involves a number of responsibilities and concepts ©that need to be known®. To best welcome your new pet, here are 5 things to know before you start. Legally, it is not possible to abandon a puppy before the age of 8 weeks. Be careful, 8 weeks does not mean 2 months. That`s 8 weeks, that is, 56 days.

If the breeder is serious, whether private or professional, the animal will not be sold beforehand. And all this is monitored by the veterinarian of the breeder, who uses at least one microchip and issues a certificate of transmission. As a reminder, it is illegal to transfer a dog without electronic identification or delivery certificate, even if it is transferred for free. If he has brought the desire to the seller to leave the dog before the 8 weeks, the veterinarian is there to inform him of the risks. But we know that there are transfers “under the mantle”, that is, that escape the veterinarians. The puppy is playful, which is why it is important to offer him high-quality© toys to share© games with you, but also to keep him busy when he is alone. This way, you©avoid the benefits by helping him fight boredom. A puppy that has been removed from its mother too early may be more aggressive (or fearful) towards its peers, masters or other people because it has not fully acquired the ideas of safe distance and respect for others. It is therefore better to wait until the puppy is ready so that he can then start a dog training that will bear fruit. A behavioral veterinarian can accompany you in your project of welcoming a puppy, and you can also find a lot of useful information by talking to breeders. To accommodate your puppy, your home must be© safe©. Be vigilant about all the parts your dog has access to eliminate sources of©danger.

If you have a garden, close it with a quality fence© and organize it to avoid risks© (©wild animals, toxic levels©©, chemicals, water points, etc.). Of course, if you have a balcony, be sure©to take a breakwater to prevent©falls or that its head gets stuck©between the poles. It is highly recommended to take a puppy after the age of 8 weeks, as too early weaning can have an impact on the development of the puppy and some difficulties may occur a few weeks later or in adolescence. A puppy is adorable, but do not try to grill the ribbons© by adopting him too much, because the consequences©of this©decision will last a lifetime. In fact, a small dog that is too©© tired of its mother has a high risk of developing©behavioral disorders with age.