Andrew Shao Chen Legal

Senior CounselE-mail: | Mobile: 021 0295 3928 | WeChat: Shao02102953928 Grace assists David in a variety of legal matters, with a focus on property law, land law, and family law. Chen Legal was founded in 2019 by David Chen, a resident of the Takapuna area. From the beginning, our firm has established a strong connection with the North Shore and the migrant community, and we consider this strong sense of community to be one of our founding principles. Chen Legal`s goal is to ease the heavy burden of our clients` legal processes and give them security and security in relation to their legal problems. Andrew works in various areas of law, with a focus on property law, land law and relational property law. He also has experience in representing the courts and has represented clients in a variety of cases. We understand the challenges migrants face when settling and investing in real estate and business in New Zealand. We strive to bridge the legal and cultural gap between migrants` countries of origin and New Zealand. Director and DirectorE-mail: | Mobile: 021 989 595 | WeChat: chenlisnz Pengcheng Liu (Finance) BS Finance, Renmin University of China MS Finance, Chinese University of Hong Yen-Shao Chen (Operations) B.S. Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Your chen search returned 793 results. Only the first 500 results are displayed. You can refine your search by specifying a more specific name or by using the advanced licensee search. Chen Legal provides legal services to people from all walks of life, from individuals to large corporations.

We value everyone equally and are committed to providing high quality legal services. Ian Weaver (Quantitative Marketing) M.A. in Economics, BD Economics and Mathematics, University of Toronto, University of Hongyu Wu (Finance) BBA Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong MA Mathematics, Columbia Tendai Masaya (Accounting) BS Accounting, Ithaca College MS Accounting, University Kaushik Vasudevan (Finance) BA, Statistics, University of Tania Diaz-Bazan (Finance) B.A. Economics, Universidad Catolica de Cuyo M.S. Economics, Universidad de La Mujin Choi (Legal/Finance) B.A. Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Amherst College Doktor der Rechtswissenschaften, Yale Law • Operations Management (undergraduate) • Advanced Information Technology (undergraduate)• Enterprise Software Development (undergraduate)• Enterprise Information Systems (undergraduate) • Accounting Information Systems (undergraduate)• Visual Basic (MBA)• Integration von Visual Basic und Microsoft Office (Berufsausbildung). Laiyi Yin (Rechnungswesen) BCom Wirtschaft & Rechnungswesen, McGill Daniel (Zongsheng) Huang (Finanzen) Sonstiges Bachelor-Level, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Tsinghua University M.S. Finance, University of Richard Archer (Quantitatives Marketing) B.S. Statistik, University of Taylor Holdaway (Organisationen & Management) B.A.

Economics and Mathematics, Reed BA Finance, Peking University MA Finance, Beijing Doris (Do Kyung) Kwon (Organizations and Management) M.S. Business Administration, Seoul National University BBA Business Administration, Seoul National Lal Eda Erensoy (Behavioral Marketing) B.A. Management, Bogazici University M. Public Administration, University of Hemanshu Das (Operations) B. Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology MBA Management, Indian Institute of Soonbong Lee (Operations) B.A. Business Administration, Yonsei University M.S. Operations Research Management, Yonsei NOTE: Due to technical limitations, this research cannot handle extended characters. Example: For Nuñez, please search for Nunez.

Eunice Han Eun (Organizations and Management) B.A. English Language and Literature, Brown University Master, Management, Harvard Extension Belisa Pang (Law/Finance) BS Finance, University of Virginia Doctor of Laws, Yale Law Grace received her New Zealand Law Degree (LLB) from Auckland University of Technology and was called to the Bar in 2021. After graduating from the law school and being admitted to the bar in 2015, he practiced real estate and family law and gained a very good reputation in the Chinese and local community. Jin Kim (Behavioral Marketing) B.A. Economics, Berkeley M.S. Marketing, Seoul National Pranav Garg (Finance) B.A. Economics, Delhi UniversityM.S. Economics, Paris School of Grace Peng grew up in China. She earned her Bachelor of Law and Master`s degree in Copyright Law and later practiced family law in the Women`s Federation of China for five years. Mohin Banker (marketing comportemental) B.S. Économie et mathématiques, Carnegie Mellon Brett Campbell (comptabilité)B.S.

Comptabilité, Brigham Young UniversityM.S. Accounting, Brigham Young Relation Propriété – Séparation et sous-traitance Accords Michael Blair (Opérations) B.Math, Université de Waterloo B.B.A., Wilfrid Laurier Abhishek Dev (Finance) B.S. Finance, Bard Geoffrey Thilo Borchhardt (Organisations & Management) B.S. Business Administration, Copenhagen Business School M.S. Sociology, Université de Raymond Song was born in China and moved to New Zealand in 2004. After completing his LLB at the University of Waikato, he was admitted to the bar in Auckland. Huifeng Su (Opérations) BE Engineering, Université du Suresh (Opérations) BS Astronomie et physique, Université de Yale MA Sciences sociales, Université de Jared Jenson Wong (Marketing comportemental) BA Économie, Duke Acquisitions et ventes d`entreprises (whether by company shares or assets). Complete one of the following fields to begin the search. Ping Gong (Accounting) B.Com. Accounting, University of New South Barry (Shikun) Ke (Finance) B.S. Angewandte Mathematik, Columbia Fei Teng (Quantitatives Marketing) BA Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Johns Hopkins Khizar Qureshi (Opérations) BS Mathematik, Massachusetts Institute of Seine Forschungsarbeiten erscheinen in Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Information & Management, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, MIS Vierteljährliche und internationale Konferenzen und Workshops wie AMCIS, DSI, ICIS, PACIS und WITS.

Alexandra Bray (Organisationen & Management) B.A. Soziologie, New York Peter (Sangwoo) Lee (Quantitatives Marketing) B.S.