On a system with GnuPG installed, download the ISO PGP signature (under Checksums on the download page) to the ISO directory and check it with: This document is a guide to install Arch Linux with the live system booted from installation media consisting of an official installation image. The installation media provides accessibility features described on the Install Arch Linux with Accessibility Options page. For other installation methods, see Category:Installation Process. I`m trying to install Arch Linux on an old PC, but all the http links I click to download the .iso are 64-bit downloads, I looked at all the links and I can`t find a .iso that isn`t appreciated x86_64 all the help – thank you Not exaggerated. Arch officially ends support for 32-bit. The community has created mirrors and everything, BUT it`s not official of Arch Linux. That is why they call themselves archlinux32. There is a small difference:) The image can be burned to a CD, mounted as an ISO file, or written directly to a USB flash drive using a utility such as dd. It is intended only for new installations; an existing Arch Linux system can be updated at any time with pacman -Syu. Although Arch Linux has stopped supporting 32-bit systems, this does not affect the multilib repository. You can still install Steam on Arch Linux. The base package does not include all the tools of the live installation, so the installation of other packages may be required for a fully functional base system. In particular, consider installation: Use timedatectl(1) to make sure the system clock is correct: the packages to be installed must be downloaded from mirrors defined in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.
On the live system, the reflector updates the list of mirrors after connecting to the Internet by selecting the 20 most recently synchronized HTTPS mirrors and sorting them by download rate. If you want to create stacked block devices for LVM, system encryption, or RAID, do it now. To install other packages or package groups, add the names to the pacstrap command above (separated by spaces) or use pacman as the feed in the new system. For comparison, you can find packages available in the system live in pkglist.x86_64.txt. Arch Linux should run on any x86_64 compatible computer with at least 512 MiB of RAM, although more memory is needed to boot the system live for installation. [1] A basic installation must occupy less than 2 GiB of disk space. Because the installation process must retrieve packages from a remote repository, this guide assumes that a working Internet connection is available. Arch Linux stopped supporting 32-bit a few years ago, but a separate project called Arch Linux 32 continues to support Arch 32-bit. See archlinux32.org/. Instructions for transitioning from Arch Linux to archlinux32 are also explained. See the transition instructions.
Dual-boot installation media has also been made available to users. There is a neat fork to: archlinux32.org/, however, the usual distribution guidelines apply, so you cannot ask for help on the official Arch BBS, for example, as of March 2017, 32-bit images of Arch Linux are no longer available on the project website. Existing 32-bit installations have taken advantage of this “grace period” to plan their transition to other Linux distributions that still support 32-bit processors. As of December 2017, no updates had been provided for existing 32-bit Arch systems. Discover archlinux32, a community-maintained 32-bit Arch Linux fork. They have official packages optimized for i686 and pentium4 architectures. For LVM, system encryption, or RAID, edit mkinitcpio.conf(5) and re-create the initramfs image: genfstab(8) detects later mounted file systems and swap space. If you created an EFI system partition, format it with mkfs.fat(8) to FAT32. Once the partitions are created, each newly created partition must be formatted with an appropriate file system.
See File Systems#Creating a File System for details. Like most other Linux distributions, Arch Linux no longer serves 32-bit systems. General recommendations for system administration instructions and post-installation tutorials (such as creating non-privileged user accounts, configuring a graphical user interface, sound, or touchpad). This file will then be copied from pacstrap to the new system, so it is worth doing it correctly. I will reject another recommendation for Debian. If it is an old system, Debian stabilizes on XFCE`s LXDE. It is rock solid, does not become difficult and is ideal for playing on an old system. Feel free to jump on #archlinux-ports on freenode or in our forum under bbs.archlinux32.org/ if you have problems with the transition to arch32.
We will be happy to help you. If you are an existing Arch32 user, you do not need to download a new ISO to update your existing system. You may be looking for an updated mirror list instead. Join us on #archlinux32 IRC channel on Libera, check out our forums or subscribe to the mailing list to get your feet wet. Also check out the Arch Wiki if you want to learn more about Upstream Arch. Currently, we have official packages optimized for i686 and pentium4 architectures. Most non-graphic packages are also available for i486. Take a look at the CPU indicators required to decide which architecture is right for you. Most packages in the Package Repository managed by the Arch Linux community are also compatible with Arch Linux 32. The project was born when the official Arch Linux announced that it would stop supporting 32-bit systems.