Definition Adolf Hitler

After the attack on Pearl Harbor in December of the same year, the United States declared war on Japan, and Germany`s alliance with Japan demanded that Hitler also declare war on the United States. With the occupation of Berlin by Soviet troops on May 7, 1945, Germany surrendered unconditionally on all fronts, thus ending the war in Europe. On September 15, 1935, Hitler submitted two laws to the Reichstag, the so-called Nuremberg Laws. The laws prohibited sexual relations and marriages between Aryans and Jews and were later extended to “Gypsies, Blacks or their bastard descendants.” [362] The laws deprived all non-Aryans of their German citizenship and prohibited the employment of non-Jewish women under the age of 45 in Jewish households. [363] Hitler`s first eugenic policy targeted children with physical and developmental disabilities in a program called Aktion Brandt, and he later approved a euthanasia program for adults with severe mental and physical disabilities, now called Action T4. [364] Adolf Hitler had been the undisputed leader of the National Socialist German Workers` Party – known as the Nazis – since 1921. In 1923, he was arrested and imprisoned for attempting to overthrow the German government. His trial brought him fame and followers. He used the prison sentence that followed to dictate his political ideas in a book, Mein Kampf – Mein Kampf. Hitler`s ideological goals included territorial expansion, the consolidation of a racially pure state, and the elimination of European Jews and other supposed enemies of Germany. Alois had made a successful career at the customs office and wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. [29] Hitler later dramatized an episode from that time when his father took him to a customs office, describing it as an event that led to an irreconcilable antagonism between father and son, both of whom were determined.

[30] [31] [32] Alois ignored his son`s desire to go to a classical high school and become an artist and sent Hitler to the Realschule in Linz in September 1900. [c][33] Hitler rebelled against this decision, noting in Mein Kampf that he had deliberately performed poorly in school, hoping that as soon as his father saw “the small progress I made in technical school, he would let me devote myself to my dream.” [34] After the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943, Mussolini was replaced by King Victor Emmanuel III. removed from power after a vote of no confidence in the Grand Council of Fascism. Marshal Pietro Badoglio, to whom the government was entrusted, soon surrendered to the Allies. [293] In 1943 and 1944, the Soviet Union gradually forced Hitler`s armies to retreat along the Eastern Front. On June 6, 1944, Western Allied armies landed in northern France in one of the largest amphibious operations in history, Operation Overlord. [294] Many German officers concluded that defeat was inevitable and that remaining under Hitler`s leadership would lead to the complete destruction of the country. [295] The move to Hafeld coincided with the beginning of intense father-son conflicts caused by Hitler`s refusal to adhere to the strict discipline of his school.

[25] His father beat him, although his mother tried to protect him. [26] Alois Hitler`s agricultural efforts in Hafeld ended in failure, and in 1897 the family moved to Lambach. Eight-year-old Hitler took singing lessons, sang in the church choir and even considered becoming a priest. In 1898, the family finally returned to Leonding.[27] Hitler was deeply saddened by the death of his younger brother Edmund, who died of measles in 1900. Hitler transformed himself from a confident, open-minded and conscientious student into a grumpy and distant boy who constantly fought with his father and teachers. [28] In July, the government passed a law stipulating that the Nazi Party was “the only political party in Germany” and, within months, all non-Nazi parties, trade unions and other organizations had ceased to exist. The genocide was organized and perpetrated by Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich. The records of the Wannsee Conference, which took place on January 20, 1942 under Heydrich`s leadership and attended by fifteen senior Nazi officials, provide the clearest evidence of systematic Planning of the Holocaust.