Describe a Law on Environment Protection Cue Card

While we can discuss how such a law actually benefits the environment around us, one thing is certain, it benefits just about everyone who lives in and around the areas where such a law is enacted, in one way or another. Although the government has levied high taxes on plastic bags, it doesn`t serve much purpose. Therefore, a law should be introduced that establishes the complete ban on plastic bags. According to this law, consumers can use jute bags, PP bags, canvas bags or reusable bags to replace plastic bags. The use of biodegradable bags and the ban on plastic bags will have a positive impact on the environment. For example, there will be less pollution, no plastics floating in the water, less waste in waterways and less waste on the streets. The implementation of this law will be a blessing for all nature lovers and for those who want to preserve the environment. With the strict ban on plastic bags, the environment will be less polluted and cleaner. Every little human effort will make a big difference in the environment, and I firmly believe that this law will make an exemplary difference in everyone`s life. In this article, you will learn what types of benchmark cards will be given to you in the second section of the IELTS Readiness Test. An example is provided here – “Describe an Environmental Protection Act” A landmark map topic with model responses so you can understand the model and how you can respond to the benchmark map topics. So, read it to the end to get a crystal clear performance.

In short, I would like to say that this law actually piques my interest and how we can help the environment by using only electronic devices that we use in our daily lives. Whenever I have the opportunity to talk about it, I would like to share this knowledge with others so that they can become familiar with it and participate in it. In the current era, concern for the environment has increased due to the growing awareness in this area. Therefore, the government should take into account the need of the hour and introduce environmental protection laws to preserve Mother Nature. and explain what you think of this law to protect the environment. 1. Do you think this law is acceptable to people? Yes, I think this law has been well received by the Indian people. Awareness of environmental issues is increasing and Indians are also striving to save and preserve the environment. Given the objectives and benefits of this law, I would like to say that even a small human effort can make a big difference in the environment, which in turn is an advantage for the people themselves.

If plastic is banned, there will be less pollution in the air, which will make nature and the atmosphere better for us. The waters will be cleaner so that we can use the water in our daily lives in many ways. Today, environmental problems are increasing day by day at an alarming rate and have become a major problem worldwide. The International English Language Test Exam, popularly known as IELTS, is one such test to be taken by hundreds and thousands of candidates each year. These aspirants sit for this exam with the desire to have the opportunity to move to another country abroad, mainly in what they want, for the purpose of obtaining a scholarship, diploma, job or public relations card from that particular country. The oral part of IELTS includes many landmark map topics. To answer questions such as those mentioned above, one should keep in mind the following points Here are some examples of landmark card topics to expect in the IELTS voice test in 2021. Take a look to get an idea of the types of subjects that may appear in the test. Although the issue of environmental protection has been around for some time, few countries in the world have passed laws to protect it from the beginning.

Of course, more and more countries are following suit to enact their own environmental laws, and today I would like to talk about such a law. Mother Earth is deteriorating, and if this trend continues, future generations will find it impossible to live in a safe environment. I would suggest that the government introduce legislation on the general ban on plastic bags, which I believe would be the most effective way to protect the environment, as the use of plastic bags poses a threat to human and animal life in the ecosystem. What is it? I would like to talk here about a very important law that has recently been introduced to protect the environment. It is quite unfortunate to see the environment deteriorating day by day, and if it is not taken seriously, it would lead to terrible consequences. And that`s exactly why I feel really good about such an innovative and “low-maintenance” environmental law, especially because it not only limits carbon emissions into our atmosphere, but also reduces unnecessary noise pollution around us, which also poses a serious threat to the health of many low-hearted older citizens. Finally, I am also very optimistic about such an environmental law, because it actually forces people who would otherwise never run or exercise to abandon their vehicle, even if they simply go to a store in their neighborhood to buy snacks. Overall, I believe this legislation will make a great contribution to the long-term protection of our environment.

Who benefits? And explain how you think of this law? This leads to a significant decrease in the amount of waste produced and keeps the environment clean and green. Believing that you must now have learned the type of topics requested in the IELTS voice test, the structure of cracking a landmark map topic and answering it in a way that seems fascinating to the examiner to examine and hear. The Environmental Protection Act I want to talk about refers to making certain cities or regions a “car-free zone” for a certain period of time or days in a week. In other words, the law prohibits driving any type of automobile in a certain area on certain days of a week or month, so that carbon dioxide emissions can be verified and controlled. It is reassuring to know that countries around the world are prioritizing environmental issues, due to which various laws such as the Environmental Protection Act, the Wildlife Protection Act, Water Prevention and Pollution Control have been introduced. I learned this law on the Internet when I was surfing the Internet. Then I read that human activities are first and foremost and only the cause of pollution in any form. Environmental protection law monitoring issues There is no environmental law that has no advantage. Even a small effort for the environment is of great help. The Electronic Waste Act also has several advantages.

It protects the environment and significantly reduces business costs. It supports non-renewable recycling and provides environmentally friendly references. This law makes recycling e-waste super easy. It also helps reduce carbon emissions into the air. As a result, it will benefit the land and the environment. Environmental degradation has been a major problem in recent years. Many efforts have been made to protect the environment and nature. The government had enacted certain laws to protect the environment. Many laws have been passed by countries regarding smoking bans, plastic bans, deforestation and many other things. This law has many advantages. The ban on plastic bags strengthens the economy and reduces the cost of goods. Plastic bags are not biodegradable, when they become waste, they pollute rivers, ponds and many other bodies of water.

Marine life will also improve if plastic is less. If this is banned, there will be fewer pollution emissions into the environment. Collecting and cleaning up plastic waste also costs taxpayers more money. The ban on plastic bags also reduces the need for oil. The mosquito population is also reduced. Conclusion:I I hope that in the future there will be more laws that will be implemented to save the environment. Introduction: Well, the government of my country enacts various laws for the proper functioning of the state. What is it? I would like to talk here about a very important law that has recently been introduced to protect the environment. It is quite unfortunate to see the environment deteriorating day by day, and if it is not taken seriously, it would lead to terrible consequences. The biggest challenge right now is plastic waste.