Legal Knife Length in California

§ 16340. Reed sword defined § 16420. Dagger defines § 16430. Lethal weapon within the meaning of § 16470. Dirk defined; Dolch defines § 16590. Weapon generally prohibited within the meaning of Article 17235. Knives with switched blades within the meaning of § 20200. Knives carried in a sheath, carried open, are considered unconcealed § 20810. Undetectable knives; commercial manufacture, importation for commercial sale, export or offer for sale commercial, merchant, wholesaler or distributor; Crime; Manufacture of knives or other instruments containing detectable metal § 21110. the manufacture, import, sale, supply or possession of ballistic knives; Penalty § 21310. Carrying Dirk or concealed dagger; Sanction § 21510.

Possession, carrying, sale, rental or transfer of Switchblade knives prohibited § 626.10. Bringing or possessing weapons on school grounds; Exceptions § 171b. Unauthorized possession of weapons in local or state public buildings or at public meetings; Crime; Penalty § 171.5. Airports and passenger ship terminals; Prohibited Articles § 171.7. Possession of prohibited items in the sterile area of public transport; Unfortunately, California prosecutors have the power to charge some common knife crimes as felonies or misdemeanors. It is legal to own, sell, buy and transport a switch blade as long as it is less than 2 inches tall. A California appeals court ruled that a Balisong knife is a switch blade because it can be opened so easily. However, you can still buy Balisong knives over 2 inches tall if you don`t wear them in the driver`s or passenger`s seat or on you. Simply put, if you buy Balisongs to pick them up and leave them at home, that`s 100% good.

All large side-opening switch blade knives (blade over 8.5 cm), OTF knives, Balisongs or butterfly knives (blade over 4 cm) and gravity knives are illegal under German law. Side-opening switch blade knives with single-edged blades not exceeding 8.5 cm and containing a continuous back are legal to own. Legal blades can be worn both openly and concealed on the body if there is a legitimate need or if the weapon is inaccessible with less than 3 movements (“transport in a locked container”). Other laws or regulations may prohibit the carrying of automatic knives or switch blade knives, particularly in certain situations or places (gatherings on public land, airport check-in areas). If it is a folding knife that engages when opened and closed, it is acceptable to be assisted by spring as long as it does not use a button to open it, because it would technically become a switch blade that the length of the blade is irrelevant, it is a folding knife, so you can also carry it hidden. According to Penal Code 171b, it is illegal to have certain knives in your possession if you are in a state or local public building. These illegal knives are: Some states that have specific laws against switch blades allow individuals to apply for an exemption from this legislation if they have a legitimate reason. For example, in Victoria, a member of a genuine knife collectors` association who is not a prohibited person (under the Firearms Act 1996) and who meets other policies and conditions may apply to the Chief Constable for an exemption for prohibited weapons to possess, carry or possess such a knife. This exemption can then be used to apply for an import permit from the Australian Customs Service. [13] If the blade is hidden and locked in the open position, these otherwise legal knives become an illegal Dirk or dagger under California law, in which case the knife cannot be hidden and must be carried from a sheath around the waist.

As far as I know, in Los Angeles it is illegal to carry a fixed blade of 3 inches or more open or a folding knife of 3 inches or more, I carry a folding knife of 2.75 inches, but I think if you live in Ventura or Bakersfield away from LA or SF, you can carry any folding blade under 4 inches and a fixed blade of any size. Open. Only one action of the front knife works on similar principles, but only the blade deploys automatically, which must then be retracted manually. All sword knives are illegal in Ca.Es gives a list of legality always illegal and exceptional. A kitchen knife becomes illegal if it is sharpened or altered at both edges to increase its likelihood of causing serious bodily injury or death. Thanks to Steve Some knives are completely illegal to own, manufacture, sell and import into California. Examples of these types of knives include: Is an “automatic” knife considered a “switch blade” knife in California? Does it matter whether he opens OTF or sideways? Does it matter if it is smaller, equal to or greater than 2″ long? In 1950, an article entitled The Toy That Kills appeared in the Women`s Home Companion, a widely circulated American magazine of the time. The article sparked a firestorm of controversy and a nationwide campaign that would eventually lead to state and federal laws criminalizing the importation, sale and possession of self-opening knives. In the article, author Jack Harrison Pollack assured the reader that the growing “threat” of the Switchblade could have deadly consequences, “as any con man can tell you.” [94] Pollack, former adviser to Democratic Senator Harley M.

Kilgore and ghost writer to Senator Harry S. Truman had written a series of melodramatic newspaper articles calling for new laws to tackle various social ills. In The Toy That Kills, Pollack wrote that the Switchblade was “designed for violence, lethal as a revolver – it is the Switchblade that young `toys` across the country perceive as a fad. Press the button on this new version of the pocket knife and the blade sticks out like a snake`s tongue. Action must be taken against this murderer now. [94] In support of his accusations, Pollack quotes an unnamed juvenile judge who said, “There is only one step between wearing a switch blade and gang warfare. [94] See People v. Plumlee, 83 Cal. Rptr.3d 172 (Ct. App. 2008) (finding that the knife with a switch blade found in the defendant`s possession was a Dirk or dagger within the meaning of the law prohibiting the carrying of a hidden dirk or dagger even if it was hidden in its closed position); Menschen v. Castillolopez, 63 Cal.

4th 322, 371 P.3d 216 (2016) (on the grounds that the folding knife was not “put into position” and therefore not a prohibited “Dirk or dagger”) Violations of the state`s ban on knives, possession of knives on public transportation and airports, and the law on undetectable knives are punishable by up to six months in prison and/or a $1,000 fine. Unlawful possession of a dagger or dagger or possession of one of the other knives is punishable by imprisonment for up to one year. Possession of an illegal knife on school grounds or in a state or local public building is also punishable by up to one year in prison. It is illegal to conceal a Dirk or dagger in the broad sense from the person so that it can include any fixed blade knife as well as any folding or retractable knife with a locking blade. For backpacking reasons, I think of a Kuri machete: brushing, campfires, even small game hunting. That means I live in Arizona and can usually backpack in California with a permit. Is there information on the safe transport of knives with a use insert with a blade length greater than 8 inches? To order a knife, all you need is an Amazon gift card, which any adult would exchange for cash on hand, as the app allows instant transactions and gift purchases. Knives are for people 18 and older, but as a teenager with parents who allow self-defense and safety of the child, you will soon be able to buy anything they allow, as long as it is required by legal guidelines and laws.