Meanwhile, my wife and I were placing ads for homes and had to take an offer we had made for a house and stop buying a house because we had no money and no indication as to whether it would be returned. Obviously, no one can provide legal assistance here. But does anyone have experience with something like that? Do I have something I should probably contact a lawyer for? r/BestOfLegalAdvice – highlights funny, boring, or just plain strange threads on other rights-related subreddits, with a strong bias against legal advice subprojects. r/LegalAdviceCanada – The equivalent of r/legaladvice, but for Canadians. In other words, a place to ask simple legal questions. 14.9k members. r/LegalNews – With 3.3k members, r/legalnews is much smaller than its brother r/law, but can also feel more intimate. The content is oriented towards the United States and focuses more narrowly on current topics. Edit: although I wonder if they would have understood it if it hadn`t been reddit. I am not even sure that lawyers in my area of expertise are allowed to discuss the fact that a particular person has come to them for legal advice. This would have been privileged if he hadn`t revealed it online. r/AusLaw – With 19k+ members, r/Auslaw is home to a vibrant community discussing law and the legal profession in Australia. We hear that r/AusLaw sometimes fights with r/Australia, which seems very Australian to us.
r/Paralegal – A open discussion subreddit for paralegals and truly a wonderful place to see life through the lens of people who work closely with lawyers every day. There are plenty of helpful tips for (potential) paralegals, and the jokes resonate with lawyers of all kinds. When I make legal contributions, I always add in my disclaimer that I cannot be admitted to your jurisdiction and that any information I provide should be considered anecdotal and/or informational only and should not be construed as legal advice. As someone who works in the legal field, it would be difficult to find a better answer than this. r/LegalAdvice – With an impressive 1.2 million members, r/legaladvice is “a place to ask simple legal questions and get explanations of legal concepts.” With questionable advice based on extremely limited factual models, the subreddit is effectively a pulse of the multitude of legal issues that Reddit users encounter in their daily lives. r/LegalAdviceOfftopic – 78.9k+ members discussing hypothetical questions such as “If I vote by mail and die the day before the election, does my vote still count?” r/talesfromthelaw- “A friendly place for everyone in the legal world to share their best stories about cases, clients, crappy plea deals, or anything else that ruined your Monday. All are welcome: lawyers, judges, employees, social workers, victim advocates, document review specialists. Laugh with us! So that`s where it gets sketchy. My wife decided to call the medical records and pretended to be me on the phone.
She asked if she wanted to put her wife`s name on her birth certificate. Now that her name is on the certificate, she wants her rights. She also served me with separation papers, including custody of my son. I said I wanted a divorce. Can I remove it from the birth certificate? r/LawSchool – For current and former law school Redditors, r/lawschool is an open discussion subreddit for law students. With over 100,000 members, it is a very active community that offers a healthy mix of practical questions, advice and humour. I want to be able to ask for simple prosecutions, even if I don`t intend to prosecute or be sued. I want to ask a question like, “What can I do if my landlord has cheated on my deposit?” and find out what I`m getting into before I invest my time in pursuing the case.
r/LegalAdviceUK – With 73,7,000 members, this is the place on Reddit for Britons, Scots, residents of Northern Ireland and other UK residents to ask simple legal questions. People always complain about the legal language, because the public doesn`t seem interested in getting involved and learning the law, etc. How are we supposed to educate ourselves if we can`t even ask a simple question about the law without someone like you saying, “Oh, I can`t answer that because we don`t have an attorney-client relationship.” r/UKLaw – This subreddit for practising lawyers in the UK is meant to discuss interesting UK case law and legislation. and for the discussion of the legal profession as a whole. r/LawCanada – This 3,9,000-member subreddit is a “place to discuss professional legal experience in Canada” and covers a variety of topics, from legal issues to job postings to the latest legal developments in Canada. However, your conflict of interest is good. I am not really sure that there is a good way to deal with this problem, other than that lawyers refuse to give information in cases similar to the ones they are currently working on. However, this is difficult because there will be a lot of basic general questions and those seeking advice usually don`t give you any personal information. This seems like a very bad place to get legal advice.
Thank you for that clarification. And these cases could pay more than free legal advice. Plus, there are already tons of websites and forums that offer free legal advice. They only have a disclaimer on the website that states that no content should be considered LEGAL!! COUNSEL!! R/Ask_Lawyers – 12.7k members. Anyone can ask questions; Only lawyers are allowed to post responses in comment sections. Questions can be about current events or general curiosity. r/BadLegalAdvice – Highlights bad or incorrect legal advice on Reddit and beyond. In the words of the community, “If someone offers bad legal advice, refer them to us.” r/LegalAdviceIreland – a place where Irish residents can ask simple legal questions. Yes, just because an actor playing a criminal boss on a fictional TV show does something doesn`t mean it`s legal or advisable. This is especially true since Tony Soprano traditionally did not care about what was legal or ethical, or the impact of his own actions.
I deposited a fairly large cheque from a side by side that I was selling. I filed in a joint control with my wife and me. Chase held it, as is often the case with larger checks. When they were called, they had questions about what it was for. I answered the questions and was told it would take a few days for the shutdown. So I waited a few more days. Still nothing. So I go back to my local branch.
When they called my account, it just showed them that it was restricted, and it gave them a phone number to call. One would think that we would have a place where we could ask legal questions and get good answers. It would be like r/askscience, except for law. r/EULaw – With 2,000 members, r/EULaw isn`t as large as its Canadian counterpart, which makes sense given reddit`s US-focused demographics. The community hosts information on European legal developments and events. EDIT: I was thinking of this wonderful link: r/lawyers – This private subreddit is invite-only and requires proof of license. Instructions on how to apply can be found here. We would tell you more, but we`re pretty sure it`s confidential. He also continued his legal misunderstandings, saying he was facing “a claim” for legal fees. Meaning. Jack until an actual order is given.