Defy Tacoma Covid Rules

To use performance trampolines, you need to be confident and demonstrate your ability to create a backdrop. This area is not designed for new guests or guests with little experience with trampolines. New visitors to the wall should start with the shortest wall before moving on to the higher walls. The goal is to jump on the trampoline on your back while using your feet to walk on the wall. You need to make sure that you know all the rules before using this attraction. Usually, we are concerned about breaking the rules. But when it comes to the health and safety of our jumpers and observers, we listen to cdc and local government guidelines. Don`t worry – we`ll tell you for sure whenever you`re here. Each team starts the game with an equal number of balls and players. Two teams go to opposite walls. The game begins when a flight crew member signals that they need to start. To eliminate a player, you need to hit him with a ball or catch a ball he has thrown. The first team to completely eliminate the opposing players wins.

No headbutts or unsportsmanlike behavior – THIS IS AN IMMEDIATE EXIT. When you are hit – YOU ARE OUTSIDE. When a ball you throw is caught – YOU ARE OUT. When you cross the middle line – YOU ARE OUTSIDE. If the referee calls you – YOU ARE OUT. Once a bullet hits a non-human object, it is dead. You can deflect a ball that comes towards you using a ball in your hands. Once you`re away, you can go back to the line and wait for the next game. Players are allowed to get a ball from the trampoline line that separates each side.

No suicide. If a teammate catches an opposing player`s throw, a teammate who has been away the longest can return to the game. A player hits his head while dodging or dodging. You can block a throw with a ball you hold, but you`re still out if: the shot makes you drop the ball, the ball is deflected by the ball you`re holding and still hits you, and your teammate blocks a shot, but he distracts from your teammate`s ball and hits you. Tournament and league matches are subject to rule changes. As soon as a player is hit, he must leave the field. Each game has a time limit. Always follow all parking rules and flight crew member instructions. If there is anyone who is good at breaking the rules, it is children under the age of five. This is especially true if they are required to wear a mask, so we do not require children under the age of 5 to wear one.

If you can convince them, more power for you. *Rules may vary depending on local mandates. The risk of injury is an integral part of any sporting activity. While the risk can never be completely eliminated, by taking responsibility and following the published rules, participants and parents can minimize the risk of injury. Please use the drop-down menu below to familiarize yourself with the rules of each activity. Floor markings with recommended social distancing are located throughout the park to queu in the lobby, café and some attractions. Parking capacity will also be reduced and we are asking all guests to adhere to the social distancing standard of 6 feet apart (minimum) at coffee tables, platform benches, mezzanine seating and throughout the park. We have and will continue to tighten our parking rules, including one person per trampoline.

Flight crew members are stationed throughout the arena to enforce safety rules. They also help in case of injuries. Safety is our top priority and we have worked hard to ensure that all safety equipment, rules and procedures are designed to make our facilities as safe as possible. Our highly trained staff monitors the field at all times to ensure participants have a safe and enjoyable experience. Security signs are placed throughout the park. Our staff will be happy to remind you of these rules if you “forget” in flight. The following data shows the number of injuries sustained in traditional sports compared to the number of injuries sustained while using trampolines. The data is based on the 2017 National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) study using a sample of 96 hospitals. REMOVE ALL CELL PHONES AND SHARP OBJECTS FROM YOUR POCKETS. DANGEROUS FLIP TRICKS AND OTHER TRICKS ARE DANGEROUS. ONLY MAKE YOUR OWN RISKS IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH SKILLS TO AVOID HURTING YOURSELF OR OTHERS.

Things change every day, but many of the snack bars in our parks are open and in operation.