There are only a few circumstances where you need a legal name change to take a spouse`s name: British Columbia allows you to change a child`s first name in these two situations: If you or your child does not have a Social Security number, you must file a signed and dated statement. This includes the sentence: “I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the following is true and correct: I have/(The child`s full name) never received a Social Security number from the Social Security Administration.” In order to apply for free, your passport does not have to You must submit a new application to change the name on your passport to the previous one. You will also need to submit documents to support the name change: this helpful booklet provides an overview of the name change process, costs and documentation. If any of this information has changed or is incorrect, you will need to apply for a new passport. Your child`s original Canadian birth certificate that shows the parents` names. No, you cannot pay online for passport services, although this service may be offered in the future. You are not currently asked to provide credit card information on this website. If your passport is one of the most mentioned, you will need to apply for a new passport and pay the fee. The form filler is a common resource for 4 of our forms. It is common for you to enter your information and see a different form than intended (for example, a DS-11 instead of a DS-82). The form filler creates the form that`s right for you based on the information you enter. If you encounter any technical problems while using the tool, please let us know by filling out our Website Issues form.
If you have a question about your passport application, please contact us. We strongly recommend that you inform yourself about your destination before travelling. Pay close attention to entry and exit requirements. Not all countries recognize a limited validity emergency passport as a valid travel document for visa-free travel, so immigration officials may deny you entry and/or exit. There are restrictions on personal names when selecting, changing or correcting a legal name on Vital Statistics certificates and documents. Effective January 1, 2016, the Department will no longer add additional visa pages to U.S. passports. Instead, 52-page passport booklets are issued at no additional cost to U.S. citizens who apply for them from outside the United States. If your passport booklet is approaching the point where you run out of blank pages, consider an early renewal to make sure you have enough blank pages to accommodate visa stamps from other countries.
Some countries require two blank pages for entry and exit. You can visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for general information on foreign entry, exit and visa requirements. If you wish to change your marriage certificate to the new legal name: A list of the various fees for passport services can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The cost of a legal name change includes a change of name certificate that lists the old and new names of everyone involved in the application. It does not contain a new birth or marriage certificate. When applying for a U.S. passport for minors, parents must have their child present and provide parental relationship and consent documents. Please click here to check the status of your U.S.
passport application. To verify this, you`ll need to provide your last name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your Social Security number. Once this information is provided, you can print proof that your passport application has been made. Contact Vital Statistics directly if you have questions about retrieving an Aboriginal name. State Department regulations do not allow applicants to request passport changes to make changes to the biometric portion of their passport (including name changes due to marriage or other legal changes, gender, date, and/or place of birth corrections). If you were born in Alberta, correcting an error in a birth certificate can be done with a change rather than a legal name change. If you were not born in Alberta, you must apply for a change in the territory in which you were born. You must prove that you need the passport. New To be eligible for a legal name change, applicants must: If we are unable to provide you or your child with the passport on time, we will not be liable for any losses. The other parent cannot be located after a reasonable, diligent and reasonable search, as evidenced by the affidavit and supporting documents contained in the name change file. Note: U.S.
citizens living in Canada are eligible to have their passport renewed by mail. The State Department`s Form DS-82 is incorrect because it indicates that U.S. citizens residing abroad cannot submit their renewal application by mail and that passport services will not send passports to a home address outside the United States because an exception is made for Canadian residents. You can enter a Canadian mailing address on Form DS-82 and Passport Services will send your new passport to that address. This may also be the case if you have your marriage or civil partnership certificate, legal name change certificate or proof of citizenship. In Alberta, you do not have to legally change your name after you get married. You can take a married surname. All systems that process passenger data, including personal identity information, follow ICAO guidelines. This ensures that your passport or travel document works in all computer systems, no matter where you travel.
Find out how to legally change your name in Alberta. If you need an emergency passport due to a lost or stolen passport or have an emergency trip, make an appointment through the regular appointment system. Please then send an email to the American Citizens Services Division of the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate explaining your situation and when you will need your passport. Please note that emergency passes are not issued outside normal business hours. Do you need to correct or update your U.S. passport due to a name change, data error, or printing error? Select the next topic to learn how. For information on reclaiming an Indigenous name, see Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada – Recommendation 17 – Indigenous Name Claim. If you are 18 years of age or older AND you change your name, the Name Act requires that your fingerprints be taken as part of a criminal record check. If you have a criminal record, the name change will be recorded in the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database.
Fingerprints will only be used for the purposes required by the Geographical Names Act, and confirmation of the criminal record check will be returned directly to the applicant by the RCMP. Section 3 of the Name Act allows you to use your spouse`s surname after marriage without changing your legal name. In most cases, changing your name to bank accounts, social security number, driver`s license, and other agencies is as simple as showing your current ID and marriage certificate.