Xkcd Legal Hacks

This interpretation is probably a reference to the very strong social and political movements opposed to arms control in the United States. The legal basis for this movement is the position that most or all laws prohibiting private possession of firearms (and possibly other weapons) violate the Second Amendment. Accordingly, the public reference to the Second Amendment tends to imply opposition to gun control. Megan`s implication is that by associating RSA with this debate, crypto enthusiasts would gain a large group of unlikely allies who are firmly committed to keeping weapons legal and unrestricted. They could also invoke the legal cover of the Constitution, which allows them to fight restrictions in court. The title text states that this is a reasonable interpretation of the Constitution, as cryptography (a modern weapon) is analogous to muskets and cannons (weapons used in the 1780s when the Second Amendment was drafted). As evidence of the analogy, the title text suggests that Jefferson would have been a big fan of cryptography, which is plausible because President Thomas Jefferson (the 3rd president of the United States) was an amateur scientist who enjoyed studying a variety of fields (in fact, he invented Jefferson`s disk, a fairly advanced encryption device for his time). The point is somewhat multifaceted, as it`s hard to imagine a modern technique that Jefferson wouldn`t fully like. Even the mere assertion that one of the first presidents was a fan of a technique is not very good evidence that the technique would be legally permitted by a particular amendment. Compliance with this principle limits the scope of changes and makes them easier and safer in the future.

Each module or class should have only one responsibility. All knowledge must have a single, unambiguous and authoritative representation within a system. In the context of computer programming, this law suggests that people tend to use tools that are familiar with the best possible tool. This over-reliance on a familiar tool is an anti-pattern called a “golden hammer.” Shirky`s principle suggests that complex solutions—a company, an industry, or a technology—can focus so much on the problem they solve that they can inadvertently perpetuate the problem itself. This can be intentional (a company striving to find new nuances to a problem that warrant advancing a solution) or unintentional (unable or unwilling to accept or build a solution that solves or completely avoids the problem). While RSA is mentioned as a cryptographic mechanism whose “ammo status” has been fought, your fight really considers PGP`s entire struggle (and its original 1st Amendment idea to circumvent restrictions) as the archetype of this type of export battle. I never received any of the so-called T-shirts with the printed souce code that were supposed to circulate in 1991. The fourth of the “SOLID” principles. This principle states that consumers of a component should not depend on functions of that component that it does not actually use. A new version of the eBook is automatically created when a new version tag is transferred. In the context of Edward A. Murphy, Murphy Jr.`s Law states that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong.

Can anyone please give a brief explanation of RSA and Crypto? The CAP theorem (defined by Eric Brewer) states that for a distributed data store (at most) two of the following three guarantees can be given: The purpose of this principle is to build robust systems because they can handle malformed inputs when the intent can still be understood. However, there are potential security implications if erroneous entries are accepted, especially if the processing of these entries is not well tested. These and other issues are described by Eric Allman in The Robustness Principle Reconsidered. It states that a software unit should only speak to its immediate employees. An object A with a reference to object B can call its methods, but if B has a reference to object C, A must not call the Cs methods. So if C has a doThing() method, A shouldn`t call it directly. B.getC().doThis(). These errors must be carefully considered when designing resilient code. The assumption that one of these errors can lead to flawed logic that does not address the realities and complexities of distributed systems. As a hypothetical example, consider a module that can convert a Markdown document to HTML. Now imagine that a new syntax has been added to the Markdown specification that adds support for mathematical equations.

The module should be open to extensions to implement the new mathematical syntax. However, existing syntax implementations (such as paragraphs, bullets, and so on) must be closed for editing. They are already working, we don`t want people to change them. The 90-9-1 principle states that within an Internet community such as a wiki, 90% of participants consume only content, 9% edit or modify content, and 1% of participants add content. This principle is particularly relevant for object-oriented programming, where we can design objects that can be easily extended, but would avoid designing objects whose existing behavior can be changed unexpectedly. Fitts` law predicts that the time it takes to move to a target area is a function of distance to the target divided by the width of the target. If you found these concepts interesting, you may like the following books. In Donald Knuth`s article Structured Programming With Go To Statements, he wrote, “Programmers waste an enormous amount of time thinking or worrying about the speed of non-critical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a big negative impact when debugging and maintenance are taken into account.