1996 International Government Procurement Agreement

The 1996 International Government Procurement Agreement, commonly known as the GPA, is an international agreement that establishes rules for the procurement of goods and services by government entities. The agreement was created to level the playing field for businesses operating in the global marketplace, ensuring that they are able to compete fairly for government contracts.

The GPA was negotiated under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and entered into force in 1996. Today, the GPA has 20 members, including the United States, Canada, the European Union, Japan, Korea, and Chinese Taipei. These countries are signatories to the agreement and are bound by its terms.

The GPA establishes a set of rules that govern the procurement process for government entities. These rules ensure that procurement processes are transparent, non-discriminatory, and based on objective criteria. For example, the GPA requires that procurement notices be made publicly available, that procurement decisions be based on objective criteria such as price and quality, and that all bidders be treated fairly and equally.

The GPA also establishes a framework for dispute resolution. If a supplier believes that a government entity has violated the terms of the GPA, they can use the dispute resolution process to seek redress. This process can involve mediation, arbitration, or the WTO dispute settlement process.

One of the key benefits of the GPA is that it opens up government procurement markets to international competition. This allows businesses from around the world to compete for government contracts on an equal footing. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses in developing countries, who may not have had the opportunity to compete for government contracts in the past.

Another benefit of the GPA is that it promotes greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness in government procurement. By establishing clear rules and procedures for procurement, the GPA can help governments ensure that they are getting the best value for their money when they purchase goods and services.

Overall, the 1996 International Government Procurement Agreement is an important international agreement that promotes fair competition and transparency in government procurement. By establishing clear rules and procedures, the GPA helps to ensure that governments are getting the best value for their money, while also providing opportunities for businesses from around the world to compete for government contracts.